Monday, September 27, 2004

See the Bellejens @ The WILDROSE Tues Oct 5th, 9pm !

Hello friends!
What better way to celebrate the falling leaves than to spend it at the "smoke free" night at The Wild Rose on Pike in Seattle. Yes that's right I said "SMOKE FREE" the Bellejens, clean air and who knows what else.
So we hope to see you at 9 pm Tuesday October 5th at The Wild Rose.
Be there! And leave the Camels at home!
Here is their website.

So our schedules are settling down and we have a monthly performance schedule set up this fall and winter so stay tuned for more shows and more great music and cool fun!

Folks .... we are back and we are ........back!
the Bellejens

Thursday, September 23, 2004

the Bellejens at "Bendit" Seattle Wa. June 2004

Update! Blog Visitors

Hello there Bellejens friends! I know that there may have been some questions from a few folks like "how do I find out more about those Bellejens?" "Do I need to sign up for the blog?" The answer is no. You can visit here anytime 24/7.

You can comment as well on anything that is posted here by hitting the comment button. You may also email posts to your friends, all with out having to sign up on any form or give out any info about yourself. We would love to hear from you so post away. Tell us what you like about our shows, tell us what you don't like about our shows, ask us questions, give us recipes. Tell us about great venues that you think we should perform in etc... Just plain tell us anything!!

You can also find out more about the Bellejens by signing up for the Email notification list @ . Put "baby want milk" in the subject line and we will add you to our mailing list!

Sunday, September 12, 2004

the Bellejens 2004 latest news!

Hello there!
After a summer of "doing our own thing" we "the Bellejens" are back at it putting together a cool fall season of shows for those of you who need your fix. We are also working on a web site and will have that up and running by the end of the year or sooner. Look for future shows in October and November in Seattle with dates forthcoming. We are already working on the next theme show for November and we know you will enjoy it!

Current works that you can see are "life's a waffle" and "Lawn ornaments".

We look forward to performing monthly this coming year for spread the word ... we are back and we are jammin even harder!
We hope to see you soon!
Don't forget to write to us here and let us know what music you would like to see us perform in future shows, ask any questions or just post your comments!
(the Bellejens)
Elliat, Jen and Crystal.

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Happy Birthday Bellejens